Scientific evidence

Scientific evidence for the Flat Earth
Flat horizon

Flat horizon

The horizon always appears perfectly flat around the observer, whether at 35 kilometers of altitude or at ground level. Provided that the images are not taken with a fish-eye lens, which distorts the shots, all photos and videos from amateur balloons, airplanes, and drones show a perfectly flat horizon.

The Earth is flat!

Earth Curvature

No evidence for curvature

No field study has been able to confirm the existence of Earth's curvature. The data used to estimate this supposed curvature, such as those found on, therefore have no real and verifiable mathematical basis. On the contrary, there is ample evidence demonstrating the absence of this curvature, as shown by the following examples.

The Earth is flat!

Laser tests

Laser tests

Laser tests were conducted in Utah between two shores 34 kilometers apart and located at the same altitude on maps. According to official data, a 90-meter drop, due to the supposed curvature of the Earth, should exist between these two points. However, the laser source remains visible from the opposite shore. This argument, on its own, already invalidates the Globe theory.

The Earth is flat!

Lac Léman drône

The imaginary curve

If the curvature of the Earth actually existed, it should be visible to the naked eye from the coast. A drop of 2 meters over a distance of 5 kilometers would be immediately noticeable, and any elevation of the observation point would make the curvature even more evident. From the heights of Morges (Switzerland), where one can have an unobstructed view of Lake Geneva, one should, according to official data, be able to observe a drop of 420 meters over the full distance.

The Earth is flat!

Record Views Challenge Globe

435 km visibility

There are several images with very distant shots, and the fact that mountains are visible at a distance of 435 km, as shown in the photograph beside, would be impossible on a globe. At this distance, the supposed curvature of the Earth should cause a drop of more than 15 kilometers. Furthermore, not only are the mountains visible in their entirety, but intermediate elements, such as the city of Sète at sea level, can also be seen, further invalidating the globe model.

The Earth is flat!

Maritime lighthouses prove the absence of curvature


The tallest lighthouses in the world peak at 90 meters high and are visible up to a distance of 65 km. According to official data, they should be 330 meters below the horizon at such a distance. Similarly, light buoys, less powerful and rising only a few meters, are visible up to 25 km. At this distance, they should be 50 meters below the Earth's curve, based on official data.

The Earth is flat!

Chicago and Lake Michigan

The city of Chicago  

The city of Chicago is visible from a distance of 94 kilometers across Lake Michigan. However, with the alleged Earth's curvature, Chicago should be 700 meters below the horizon.

The Earth is flat!

Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal  

With its length of 636 kilometers, Lake Baikal has a perfectly flat surface. According to official data on Earth's curvature, one would expect to find a height difference of about 31 kilometers over this distance. However, such a difference is not detectable. Studies conducted at both Lake Baikal and the Salar de Atacama (Chile) confirm that the surfaces in both cases are completely flat.

The Earth is flat!

The water level

Sea level  

Water cannot bend and distribute uniformly over a spherical surface. By definition, sea level is always perfectly flat, and it is absolutely not compatible with the Globe theory. "Level" means exactly what it expresses.

The Earth is flat!

Cruising altitude

Cruising altitude  

If the Earth had a curvature, a passenger plane would not be able to maintain a constant cruising altitude. If it did, it would move away from the Earth. To maintain its distance from the Earth, a passenger plane would have to constantly adjust its altitude downward. When flying from Paris to Lisbon, a plane covers a distance of 1,453 kilometers. Over such a distance, it would have to overcome a height difference of 164 kilometers.

The Earth is flat!



A gyroscope is a navigation instrument that allows aircraft to maintain a constant orientation. However, in its most basic form, a gyroscope is designed to function on a flat surface. On a spherical surface, a manual gyroscope would always show a slight tilt.

The Earth is flat!

Stars in a circle

The circular movement of stars

For millennia, humanity has observed and documented the same stars in the sky, which move in a circular pattern above us. If the Earth were rotating on its axis, orbiting the Sun, moving within a galaxy, and if this galaxy were moving in a supposed universe, the stars would not display the circular motion that we observe. The four different movements of the Earth, along with the independent rotations and movements of other elements in this supposed universe, are in no way compatible with the fact that the stars trace the same circular pattern night after night. Think about it.

The Earth is flat!

Changing size of the sun

Changing size of the sun  

If the Sun were 150 million kilometers away, its size would remain constant throughout the day, no matter where you are in the world. At such a distance, a simple change in position, like the Earth's supposed rotation, should not affect the perceived size of this celestial body. However, observations show that the size of the Sun does vary, especially in hot countries over which the Sun passes directly. Here, the Sun appears noticeably smaller at sunrise and sunset than when it is at its zenith.

The Earth is flat!

The close sun

The proximity to the sun 

If the sun were 150 million kilometers away, its rays would strike a specific point at a constant angle. However, it is observed that the rays illuminate the Earth at different angles. This indicates that the sun is closer and smaller.

The Earth is flat!

Temperature variations

Temperature differences  

If the sun were at unimaginable distances, we should not observe such large variations in temperature from one place to another. Yet, regions distant by just a few hundred kilometers can experience considerable temperature differences.

The Earth is flat!

Altitude of the sun

The constant altitude of the sun  

The sun neither rises nor sets. It moves horizontally above the earth. What we interpret as rising or setting is actually due to perspective, much like a ceiling which, although at a constant height, appears lower to us when it is farther away.

The Earth is flat!

Reflections on the sea

Reflections on the sea  

If the earth were truly spherical, the reflections of the sun and the moon on the sea surface could not extend to the visible horizon. The alleged curvature should, after only 3 kilometers, introduce a drop of 70 centimeters, making any reflection impossible, and this gradient would increase with each additional meter.

The Earth is flat!

The impossible Gravity

The theory of gravity  

The theory of gravity contradicts the supposed centrifugal force of the Earth. If it existed, it would have to be weaker at the equator, where the centrifugal force is stronger, than at the poles, where this force is absent. Moreover, it contradicts the laws of physics that a force, on a rotating sphere, is distributed evenly across its entire surface and exerts the same intensity at different points.

The Earth is flat!

Invisible satellites

The invisible satellites  

Although our modern technologies allow us to zoom in on the Moon with remarkable precision, it is strange that there are no satellite photos taken from Earth, even though these satellites are supposedly only a few hundred kilometers away. Additionally, no available satellite video shows an uninterrupted depiction of Earth's rotation over an entire day. It is also peculiar that none of the thousands of airplanes constantly traversing our skies are visible in the supposed satellite images.

The Earth is flat!

The Tides

The tides  

Gravity, a concept deeply ingrained in popular belief, seems to act selectively, influencing some bodies of water while ignoring others. Although opinions on this topic vary, it is highly likely that the Sun (with a positive charge) and the Moon (with a negative charge) function like powerful electromagnets, creating a dynamic magnetic field in the water. This magnetic repulsion effect could be the true cause of tides, as demonstrated by small-scale experiments.

The Earth is flat!

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